Subject: Civil War

Walking in their Shoes- 1st Droop Hike

Walking in their Shoes- 1st Droop Hike

June 28, 2013 |

To honor the 150th anniversary for the Battle of Droop Mountain, Mike Smith is leading a series of four hikes up Droop Mountain. On Saturday, June 22nd, VISTA Dan Schultz traveled with the group, which included Chad Morrison, one of the decedents of Union soldiers who had fought in the battle, cubscouts Allen, Cage and […]

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March 29, 2013 |

“A magnificent vista of wooded mountaintops, green cultivated valleys and distant blue ranges.” – 1941, the West Virginia Writers’ Project guide. Hillsboro is the home of these popular historic destinations: -Pearl S. Buck Birthplace and Museum (in Hillsboro) -Pretty Penny Café (in Hillsboro, located in an old general store) -5.2 m. Watoga State […]

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