Mill Point
“Mirrored in beauty / Inviting in Charms / Lies the village of Mill Point / Linked among farms…”
Mill Point was “formerly called Cackleytown. The present name is derived from the fact that the place was a pioneer milling point with two flour mills located on Stamping Creek” . – the West Virginia Encyclopedia, written by Jim Comstock.
“The Old McNeel Mill (R), on the bank of Stamping Creek, was built by Isaac McNeel about 1868 and still operates, driven by an overshot wheel. Stephen Sewell, an early settler, camped near by in a cave in 1750 after his quarrel with Jacob Marlin.” – 1941, the West Virginia Writers’ Project.
Listen to the Traveling 219 audio story on the McNeel Mill:
Today, the mill at Mill Point is no longer in operation as a gristmill. However, the mill is being restored for demonstration purposes. Click here to view a three minute film about the McNeel Mill, produced by the West Virginia Uncovered project.
Stamping Creek is said to have gotten its name from the buffalo who came to drink from the pure, cool waters at Blue Spring. The buffaloes would stomp their feet at the water’s edge.
Click Here to read about and hear the Traveling 219 audio story on the old Hefner General Store in Mill Point.

The Cannery at Mill Point story: Mill Point cannery from 219, photo by Jaynell Graham
Category: Marlinton to Lewisburg