
These stories live and breathe on more than money alone. Below are all the ways you can help to keep these stories alive:

  • If you want to send us a picture  or other document to help us better tell a story, please contact us.
  • If you want send us financial support, use the “Donate” button below to make your contribution.
  • In honor of a loved one, or in the name of a place you cherish, you may adopt a story by specifying the story and honoree of your choice with your donation. Your dedication will appear on this website, and you will receive a personalized birth certificate for your chosen story.
  • Help us complete our survey.

Traveling 219 Supporters

The stories and programs of Traveling 219 are made possible by generous support the Pocahontas County Free Libraries, as well as the following partners.

Allegheny Mountain Radio

West Virginia Humanities Council

Corporation for Public Broadcasting

West Virginia Public Broadcasting

Pocahontas County Convention and Visitors Bureau

Randoph County Convention and Visitors Bureau

Tucker County Convention and Visitors Bureau

Mountain Maryland Gateway to the West Heritage Area
